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Fritz Emonts Európska klavírna škola 3 plus CD Sheet Music
Product code: ED7933-50 | ID: 225917
The third volume of "The European Piano Method" is not strictly speaking a piano method, but rather a collection of meterial and suggestions for the advanced tution of now slightly older players. The author has therefore concentrated on selecting pieces from the vast wealth of the piano repertoire and grouping them according to specific structural criteria. With this approach, technical aspects (playing chord, thirds, sixths and other intervals) go hand in hand with musical themes (expressive touch, extending rhythmic awareness, cantabile playing with pedal). These developmental processes should suffuse each other: in the technical procedures, on the one hand, control over quality of tone, clarity and articulation should not falter; the pieces from the piano repertoire, on the other hand, should gain creative power through everincreasing technical skills. Version with CD.
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vladimir S.