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Fritz Emonts Európska klavírna škola 1 plus CD Sheet Music
Product code: ED7931-50 | ID: 225914
Following the very successful piano method published in two volumes between 1958 and 1962, the three-volume "European Piano Method" represents a new textbook which takes into account the development of modern piano pedagogy.The most natural way of creating and nurturing the relationship of a child with an instrument is to stimulate and encourage the child to find on the keyboard, and to play by ear, all the tunes he or she has so far assimilated. Not only children's songs or folk songs are suitable for this but also other melodies that may be heard at home, at school, in church, on the radio and on television.English-German-French version - with the CD.
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Pavol D.
Skladby od úplne jednoduchých, s naznačeným prstokladom, až po zložitejšie, kde už je pomôcok menej. Všetky skladby a cvičenia sú aj na priloženom CD. Sprievodné texty sú však len v nemčine, angličtine a francúzštine, teda nie celkom pre každého.
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